Student Placement System
Not long ago I completed a vector logo for a software company as part of an in-house product they were working on.
Primitive Motor Control Tutorial
When it comes to controlling motors using an Arduino, there's never a shortage of options. One such way is by using a small but capable integrated circuit like the SN754410. And here's why.
LED Display Driver Tutorial
There are many different ways of controlling LEDs using an Arduino and using a MAX7219CNG chip is one such way. You’ll most likely stumble across it much like I did once you’ve exhausted all your options using shift registers & ‘daisy-chaining’ begins sounding monotonous.
Millhouse Pottery
I thought I'd share a simple sample logo I made for a company awhile ago. It's a vector drawing I've hand-drawn in illustrator.
Turks & Caicos
Another simple vector based logo design. An early example of my first foray into the online graphic design marketplace. Can't say I'll be returning to that scene anytime soon...